The Western Boss Membership [Approved Seller- Yearly]

Members receive:

  • Trusted Seller status and advertising in our main Facebook group with 105k+ buyers 
  • Seller Directory (under construction, changes to be made)
  • FREE engagement & marketing graphics to use on social media, etc. *These are not to be resold, but can be used for marketing purposes. 
  • FREE templates, calendars, sheets & more!
  • FREE video training content in our exclusive members group
  • 50% off mockups, select graphics and services
  • Access to our BUSINESS OWNERS ONLY group to discuss, collaborate and brainstorm with other business owners in your industry 
  • Trusted Seller graphic badges to promote on your website, pages, social, etc. to let shoppers know you're a verified seller and buyers can trust ordering from you
  • Additional shoutouts to our following on social media, Facebook groups, email lists and more! 


  • $25/year- fee will deduct on the date that you sign up on the following year. Memberships can be canceled at any time. 
  • Please check your email for a welcome email after signing up - it may go to spam!

Additional Information:

  • You will be added to the directory within 14 days of signing up, as long as you've provided current and accurate information. 
  • We do not issue refunds. Your membership will valid until the end date and you will have access until this date. If you do not cancel your membership before your charge date, you will have access until the following date, assuming you cancel. 
  • We will not issue refunds if you have an issue with your social media accounts and cannot access them to post in the groups 

